Martínez Mirafuentes
Módulo 7
My life Project
a. What are your personal goals?
1. My personal goals is conclude successfully the
high school on line.
2. Be an example for my children.
b. What are your future plans about
your studies?
1. I think study another language.
2. I think finishing my studies and I will study psychology.
c. What are your future plans about
your family?
1. I think
saving money and go on holidays.
2. Support my children and motivating them will
study the college.
d. What are you going to do to be
1. I think
eat healthier and do exercise.
2. I suppose visit the doctor.
e. Write one goal you wish to achieve
in the next five years.
1. I
think do a master's in psychology.
2. I guess have my
own consulting room.
What will you do to achieve that goal?
1. Continue preparing myself in my studies and to be able to
achieve my goals.
2. Be persistent in my studies.